1st Annual International Virtual Exhibition-Competition 2024, FRANCE


1. Medium: Watercolor

2. Eligibility: International

3. Theme: Free

4. Dimensions: Free

5. Entry fee: 26 euros for one work, for each additional work, 10 euros

***Entry fees must be paid via PayPal to the following address:

Attention: If the application is not accepted, the fee will not be refunded.

6. Image size: 1-3 MB and 300 dpi resolution

7. Work must be original, not copied.

8. Digital modifications on work photo, are not considered valid and will not be approved.

9. Photo of your work with the following information: First name, Surname, Title, Country, Dimensions

10. And also in the subject of the email must be written: First name, Surname, Title, Country, Dimensions

11. The photo of your work and copy of payment receipt, must be sent to following e-mail address:

12. Important dates:

*Entry Opens: July 18, 2024

*Deadline: September 18, 2024

*Publication of selected artists (On Watercolor Golden Brush Facebook & Instagram page): October

1, 2024

*Exhibition Date: October 15 –November 15, 2024


Selected Artists:

* Up to 200 of selected works will be exhibited in a 3D virtual gallery for one month.

* All selected artists will receive a digital certificate and a digital catalog via email.

*Three Winners:

1st Place: 400€ + Art Supplies + Medal + Printed Certificate + Digital Catalog + Publish your watercolor on the WATERCOLOR GOLDEN BRUSH website and social networks

2nd Place: 300€ + Art Supplies + Medal + Printed Certificate + Digital Catalog + Publish your watercolor on the WATERCOLOR GOLDEN BRUSH website and social networks

3rd Place: 200€ + Art Supplies + Medal + Printed Certificate + Digital Catalog + Publish your watercolor on the WATERCOLOR GOLDEN BRUSH website and social networks

*Three Honorable Mention Artists:

1st, 2nd, 3rd prize: Art supplies + Printed Certificate + Digital Catalog + Publish your watercolor on the WATERCOLOR GOLDEN BRUSH website and social networks

*Three Judges’ Favorites:

1st, 2nd, 3rd prize: Art supplies + Printed Certificate + Digital Catalog + Publish your watercolor on the WATERCOLOR GOLDEN BRUSH website and social networks

*Artistic Originality Award:

Art supplies + Printed Certificate + Digital Catalog + Publish your watercolor on the WATERCOLOR GOLDEN BRUSH website and social networks

*** Image of Accepted Work: Watercolor Golden Brush reserves the right to use the image of accepted artwork in web or print advertisements.

Join us to win the cash & art supplies prizes. And also showcase works of 200 selected artists in a virtual gallery.
