Diploma in Applied Arts. Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts from Paris I University. Worked as a graphic designer and creative artist in advertising in Paris. Self-taught watercolorist for 18 years. Lives and works in Lyon, exhibiting her works throughout France and internationally. Teaches drawing and watercolor year-round at her studio in Lyon 06. Co-founder of the association Papiers7. Registered with the Maison des Artistes.

Bachelor’s degree in business economic, Master’s degree in visual Arts and the Master’s degree in art history and globalization from Lyon II University. Founder of the micro-enterprise New Road 2 Art which functions as both an exhibition organizer and a virtual gallery. She has organized and curated around twenty group and solo exhibitions for artists both in physical and virtual formats and also she exhibited her works in solo & group exhibitions.

Born in 1961 in Lyon, France. He is a self-taught painter and sculptor. He studied biology before entering the Ecole Normale to become a teacher. Since the 1990s, he has exhibited his works in numerous solo and group exhibitions in France, Switzerland, and Taiwan. He has also been organizing a national short story competition for 23 years and sometimes collaborates with writers. He participated in the collection: ‘Raretés des 7 collines’ with the poet Olivier Deschizeaux, Edition Jean-Pierre Huguet.

Cursus Aggregation in Linguistics, Master’s degree in Art History from Sorbonne University Paris III, Sorbonne Paris III University. Graduate Diploma in Language and Culture of the Far East, Lyon III University. Worked in advertising and film companies in Paris. Self-taught watercolorist and travel sketcher.

Master’s degree in Economic and Social Administration. Has worked in corporate communication and graphic design for 15 years. Self-taught visual artist specializing in watercolor for over 10 years, her artistic training is based on experimentation, curiosity and practice. Recently experimenting with paper sculpture. Lives and works near Lyon, organizes weekly watercolor classes and workshops in her studio, exhibits throughout France and Europe. Member of the Papiers7 association.