Watercolor Golden Brush is French enterprise in order to organizing the international virtual watercolor competition-exhibition.

Artists can showcase their artwork on a global platform, reaching international art markets through our virtual exhibitions.

We present up to 200 artworks by selected artists of this competition in a stunning 3D virtual gallery, replicating the immersive experience of a real-life exhibition. Clicking on each piece reveals detailed information about the artist, artwork, and price.

Additionally, our partner websites can also display these virtual exhibitions, further expanding your audience reach.

This type of exhibition allows for a much large number of visitors compared to a physical exhibition, providing artists with a greater opportunity to have their work seen and appreciated by a wider audience in the art world.

Exhibit in a 3D Virtual Gallery:

  • Reach a Global Audience
  • Affordable Participation for Artists
  • Break Down Geographical Barriers
  • Connect with a Wider Artistic Community

Unveiling the Advantages of the Watercolor Golden Brush Virtual Festival:

Gain access to a worldwide audience of art enthusiasts and showcase your talent on an unprecedented scale.

Participate in a festival that is accessible to artists regardless of their geographical location.

Share your work with a broader audience of passionate art lovers, expand your network, and gain recognition.

Take advantage of an exceptional opportunity at a reasonable cost.

Immerse your artwork in a captivating and interactive virtual gallery, providing a unique experience for visitors.